Johnny Weir… casatorit!

Patinatorul american Johnny Weir a inceput noul an cu o noua calitate si anume aceea de sot! Vestea a dat-o el insusi, intr-un mesaj adresat fanilor pe twitter: I’m married! No more livin’ in sin!
Triplul campion national s-a casatorit, pe 30 decembrie, cu rusul Victor Voronov, un tanar de 28 ani, absolvent de drept. Cuplul si-a rostit juramintele in fata parintilor, intr-o ceremonie restransa la New York City Courthouse.

Cu toate lucrurile devenite oficiale, evenimentul nu va ramane nesarbatorit corespunzator, astfel ca cei doi soti planuiesc o nunta in iulie si o luna de miere in Republica Dominicana. Cuplul va purta numele Weir-Voronov, insa patinatorul va continua sa foloseasca doar numele sau in viata profesionala.

„Marrying Victor has been the greatest moment in my life and I will work very hard to make him proud and happy. As an added benefit to all this joy, marriage gives your skin an amazing glow. I look forward to making a home for my family in Bergen County, New Jersey, and introducing my world of glitter and Faberge eggs to Victor. I am so happy to have found my match. Finding someone to share your life with is one of the most important things a human can do and was preached to me by my mother. Victor is the epitome of a gentleman, as handsome as he is clever and loving. Our road to marriage has been a fast one, but one I never waivered on” , a declarat Johnny Weir dupa ceremonie.

Acesta, in trecut, evita intrebarile cu privire la orientarea sa sexuala, declarand ca isi doreste sa fie cunoscut pentru cine este, nu pentru ceea ce este, insa o data cu aparitia cartii sale autobiografice Welcome to my world, anul trecut, a facut cunoscut faptul ca este gay.

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